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Mining Elites in Africa 2022: Winner Brownfields Expansion category

Pilanesberg Platinum Mines (PPM), whose assets are located on the northern part of the Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex, could potentially still mine for more than another 60 years after launching a bold Brownfields expansion which will see its Triple Crown properties being exploited from 2023 onwards.

The properties – Sedibelo Central, Magazynskraal and Kruidfontein – host a resource more than 60 Moz 4PGE, representing one of the world’s largest undeveloped PGM deposits. The resource is relatively shallow, extending to 700 m below the surface.

Owned by Sedibelo Platinum Mines, PPM started operations in 2008 and currently produces around 140 000 oz per year of PGM material. It mines both the Merensky and UG2 reefs using open pit methods.